Supporting Organizations
Thursday, 17 February 2005
The research for the "Implementing PIPEDA: A review of internet privacy statements and on-line practices" project is made possible by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada and supported by the following organizations:

The Centre for Innovation Law and Policy

ImageThe Centre for Innovation Law and Policy ("Centre") is a multi-faceted academic centre devoted to the study of innovation law and policy. Broadly speaking, "innovation law and policy" means the law, institutions and policies that affect, or are affected by, the development of technology. Innovation policy considers the wealth effects and social challenges created by human inventiveness. The Centre supports teaching, research and policy analysis. Its research priorities include intellectual property law and economics, telecommunications policies and regulations, electronic commerce and the Internet, the social and ethical issues presented by biotechology and other technologies and the financing and governance of innovative ventures.
The Centre prepares Ontario's law graduates to be effective advocates, advisors and policy-makers within an economy that is driven by innovation and in a society that is profoundly affected by technological change. It supports research and policy analysis across academic disciplines in innovation law and policy which meets the highest standards of academic excellence.

The Information Policy Research Program

ImageThe Information Policy Research Program [IPRP] is an on-going program of research examining key public policy issues, notably access, privacy and governance.
These issues are studied particularly in relation to rapid Canadian developments in information/communications infrastructure, electronic commerce and the 'knowledge-based economy/society' generally. Starting in 1995, IPRP has been serving as the organizational hub for the following series of projects, each with its own research focus, team members and funders. 

Bell University Laboratories

Image Bell University Laboratories was established in 1999 and is Bell Canada's most significant investment in external R __ D. BUL is an integrated research and commercial network that links Bell with researchers at universities in Quebec and Ontario, including the University of Toronto.  Bell University Laboratories (BUL) at the University of Toronto is a collaborative research program funded by Bell Canada and the University of Toronto.  Bell's university R __ D Programs foster the growth of Canadian intellectual capital and contribute to our country's innovation and leadership in the development of communications and networking technologies. The programs nurture a growing pool of high tech talent, explore innovative products and services and enhance both the current and future economic vitality of Canada.

Last Updated ( Thursday, 17 February 2005 )