Rajen Akalu
Tuesday, 25 January 2005

Rajen Akalu is the lab manager for the BUL Innovation Law and Policy Lab. Rajen is responsible for the formulation and implementation strategies associated with the lab. Mr. Akalu represents the law lab to various stakeholder groups such as the legal profession, policy makers, government officials and donors.

He supervises and administrates all of the law lab's activities including knowledge transfer activities, lab related research and coordinating activities between the Centre for Innovation Law and Policy at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law, other BUL labs, industry and government. His current research interests include informational privacy, copyright and digital rights management.

Rajen holds LL.B from the University of East London and an LL.M from the London School of Economics and is admitted to practice law in New York. He is a member of the New York Commercial and Federal Litigation Section and the Internet and Litigation Committee.


Last Updated ( Tuesday, 25 January 2005 )