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Implementing PIPEDA: A Review of Internet Privacy Statements and Online Practices

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Implementing PIPEDA: A review of internet privacy statements and on-line practices

Welcome to the "Implementing PIPEDA: A review of internet privacy statements and on-line practices" project website. The project, run by the Centre for Innovation Law and Policy at the University of Toronto in collaboration with the Information Policy Research Program, is funded by the the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada.

The project supported a survey and review of Internet privacy notices by companies in the telecommunications, airline, banking and retail sectors and field test a framework for assessing web-based privacy statements for compliance with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).

The project also helped clarify whether privacy notices are a genuine reflection of a company's desire to protect privacy. Researchers assessed notices for positioning on the site, clarity of language, detail and compliance with PIPEDA.

The Centre for Innovation Law and Policy is a multi-faceted academic centre devoted to the study of innovation law and policy.  The Information Policy Research Program (IPRP) is an on-going program of research examining key public policy issues, notably access, privacy and governance, run out of the Faculty of Information Studies at the University of Toronto. 

The Final Report from the project is now available.

Presentations, recorded webcasts and other material from the Implementing PIPEDA conference, held March 18, 2005, at the University's Faculty of Law, is now available.


This project was made possible by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner

We also acknowledge the in-kind contribution of NYMITY

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